The Fifth Column (A Podcast)
The Fifth Column
Special Dispatch #34: Welcome to Liquored Overtime!

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of The Fifth Column (A Podcast)

Special Dispatch #34: Welcome to Liquored Overtime!


Well, this one is a fantastic mess. After four hours of tequila, the lads (and Nancy Rommelmann) inaugurate the post-show overtime segment. There's a sober preamble during which an apologetic Moynihan explains all. Topics covered:

- A little bit more Portland.
- Kmele sings. A lot.
- Cleaning the Rogan archives
- Fat Moynihan gets a hug
- Tim wants video
- Ja…

This post is for paid subscribers

The Fifth Column (A Podcast)
The Fifth Column
Your weekly rhetorical assault on the on the news cycle, the people who make it, and occasionally ourselves. Kmele Foster (Freethink), Michael Moynihan (Vice), and Matt Welch (Reason) talk and laugh and drink their way to at least quasi-sanity in a world gone mad, often with the aid of clean and articulate guests. Weekly Members Only subscription edition often comes with listener mail and professional-quality (if inappropriate) singing. Analysis. Commentary. Sedition.