
Comment of the week for a comment in which 6.8% of the words were mine. I am the Jill Abramson of Fifdom.

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Slightly serious note this time:

Had to deal with some dumb political stuff at work this week, so have been pretty down. I still haven't found a supportive community when it comes to this stuff, so there's really no one to talk to and it can be really lonely.

You guys are an awesome help, hosts and commenters both. You keep it light, for the most part. Thanks for being intelligent, level-headed, principled, not insane, and not mean.

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Looking forward to Kmele’s commentary on Christian Cooper’s Op-Ed in the Times this week (maybe i missed it elsewhere). The tone is so weird. Part advertorial for birding (seems like a nice enough hobby), then skates over the Amy cooper interaction where he’s entirely the victim, followed by saying the whole thing was the catalyst for his wildest hopes and dreams. It’s a strange one. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/26/opinion/birds-freedom.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare

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I heeded Moynihan's advice and looked up Matt with long hair.

Bro, you looked like Ben Dreyfuss in a blond wig!*

We've recently learnt that Richard Dreyfuss is Kmele's (adoptive) dad,** but is it possible that you are actually Ben's dad?



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Even odds Joe Biden gives a speech where Hunter died serving his country in Normandy.

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Tbh, I had not known about Chris Elise until now, but what an interesting life and great photos; RIP:


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Megyn Kelly has a lot of hate in her heart and she always seems full of rage. I will pray for her healing and a change of heart.

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Michael Powell brings the words, on Fred Siegel:

Fred Siegel was a passionate intellectual force in NYC at a hinge point in its politics. Liberal turned Conservative and not knee jerk. Fred welcomed disagreement but you had to bring your best arguments. I will miss him:


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Is this where we come to nudge you for a new members only episode?

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I like the poster of Kanye albums on Kmele’s wall :)

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Moynihan needed better editors at the Washington Examiner - “a bit to crass and crude.” On my brain because my 9 year old is grappling with the wonders of English grammar.

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Matt, I read this today, and wondered: do you think the WSJ writer wanted Jan Wenner to sound like an insufferable, tedious, A-hole? Love to hear the TFC group riff on this....


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Hey let's give credit to sites like Wonkette. Without them people might think Megyn Kelly was just a run-of-the-mill bigot instead of a vicious bigot.

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genuinely lol's at that amis excerpt. i read the book around the time it was published and recall it not being one of my favourites. but maybe i should give it another chance based on that.

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