Mar 18, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

You should have Matti Friedman on about Israel, or Lahav Harkov. Noa Tishbi who was on Maher last night was pretty great too. Or me if you want to not learn anything but have fun.

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Serious question: do y’all think Jesse should give Katie the keys?

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Maybe Megyn Kelly only showcasing “white” books went too far.

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Ah, Megyn needs to sit down with Matt’s wife & learn how to pronounce French stuff.

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Sacheen Littlefeather was a fraud? What’s next, Jonny Two Feathers was faking it, too?


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Happy Saint Patrick’s weekend! I’m the product of WASP-Irish marriage twice over (my parents and my paternal grandparents), but happily for me I got the cool name.


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Matt, since you flog the comment section as a way to attempt to convert free loaders to coach passengers, may I suggest they tried and true method of making up an award, bestowing that honor upon the TFC comment section, and then toting said fake award every week. It’s a proven winning strategy. Just look at the BBQ sauce aisle in any grocery store. Something like the TFC Award For Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence:


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For my fellow Massholes: https://www.mitfreespeech.org/2023-debate

"Debate: Should Academic DEI Programs be Abolished?" moderated by Nadine Strossen. 4/4/23 at MIT's Wong Auditorium in our fair city.

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If you guys ever open a TFC merch store, I would definitely buy a “Justice for Juicy” t-shirt. #JuicyInnocent #NotSuicidal

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Read all the comments, forgot there was a dispatch to read 🥸

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Wait til Megyn finds out that Jennifer Gries is indeed NOT black.

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You know I am getting kind of tired of this. It seems like every time I watch a debate on race, there is this NBINPOC(non-Black, Indigenous, non-Person of Color) with a girls name trying to educate me about race. Wasn't that made illegal? Can we at least get someone who isn't so GD handsome? He is making me doubt my cis-gendered, heteronormativity!

P.S. OMG heteronormativity is actually in the spellcheck.

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Perhaps the gorgeous Israeli activist who opened Bill Maher last night would be willing to assist Moynihan on his quest.....

MM & MW were hilarious on MK yesterday!

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Thank you!!! Always here for a Smiths reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C906lbkcYug

Edit: Loathe as I am to compliment Matt on his sartorial choices, but....I like his tie in the Megyn Kelly interview.

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In the Megyn Kelly segment on that Stanford rape thing, I couldn’t help but remember rape whistles. In college, every girl got a whistle that she was supposed to blow, if something bad was happening. People called them rape whistles as a joke. That Megyn Kelly segment jogged that memory for some reason.

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Thanks to Moynihan and Terms of Service: made me laugh hard.

Two epic journeys told in so few words.

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