Best West Virginia joke I've heard: How do we know that the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia? Because if it was invented anywhere else, it would be called the teethbrush! Thank you, and I'm sorry...

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Glad you had Chris on. He’s a gem.

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Christ, stop spreading fake news. Die Hard 3 is with a vengeance, 2 is die harder. Do better.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Gotta say, I haven’t had warmer feelings towards a guest after ten minutes since the Robert Draper episode (and judging by the comments so far I may be closer in tune with America this time around).

Also just a shout out to the also potentially aggrieved misidentified Walshian/Welchian - LA originated photographer Matt Walsh - who has some stunning work around surfing and canyons over here:


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The thing that I found most grating about Colbert's dumb bit was how he picked and chose items from the WSJ article, the most egregious to me being about how the DoE said their position/finding/whatever you want to call it was held with 'low confidence', and that four other government agencies still hold the position that a zoonotic origin is most likely, without stating that those other government agencies also hold positions of 'low confidence'. He unintentionally though pointed out the absurdity of the bureaucratic structure of the federal government. The Department of Energy was enacted in 1977 to manage the various labs performing research on all things nuclear, including the nuclear weapons program. As with all dumb bureaucracies, because they did 'lab stuff', they wound up managing a bunch of things within the federal government that you may not necessarily associate with energy. But hey, the hyenas out in the audience seem to enjoy the carrion he was peddling.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Take this with a grain of salt but what I’ve hear from some long time DeSantis supporters down here in Florida is he purposely had the Dominion lawyer on the defamation panel to bait the Trump people into outrage because the more they talk 2020 the more unhinged and unpopular they come across. I don’t know if it’s true but I love a good troll

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I’ve reviewed the technical material available about Covid-19 origins and it’s not a hard call - it came from a lab leak. I can’t understand how any trained scientist in molecular biology could conclude otherwise. So the disagreement is largely political obfuscation. (I have an MD/PhD and work in biotech).

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Stirewalt is such a mensch.

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Matt, I’m still waiting for an apology about all the “let’s beat the shit out of Gordo” stuff. I didn’t write that email.

There can only be one true Gordo within the Fifdom, and it’s me.

I was impersonated, humiliated, and infuriated. I want revenge—plus an apology, Matt. This was black propaganda a la The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Don’t believe the faux-Gordo people. Or should I call him, Gordaux The Bastard?

Make it right, Matt.

p.s. this is in reference to the last Second Sunday broadcast. My name was sullied, my identity stolen, and Matt threatened violence upon me.

p.s.s. Moynihan, I’m sure we could get that wonderful woman a ticket to the show. Just create a go-fund-me campaign, then squeeze us for cash. I pledge $50.

There can only be one! ☝️

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"Washing your Cheerios."

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Maybe the Reason misinformation designation has to do with that story they ran about El Chapo's son where they failed to call him out for being a nepo baby. He totally is. Doesn't even have a real cartel nickname.

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I feel like I've never heard the hosts talk so little... Interesting discussion, I have never really thought about the internal/office politics at Fox and this provided some interesting insight.

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I'd like to push back a bit on the claim that what's broken news is a problem of demand rather than supply. I think both factors are at play. There is absolutely a segment of the population that demands partisan "news" and opinion, and cable has been more than eager to meet that demand. But I think there is also a large segment of the population, maybe even a plurality, that wants more objective (or at least aspirationally objective) news, and more nuanced opinion. TFC and the larger Substack universe (and other outlets like it) are evidence of that. But there are no cable outlets even trying to meet that demand. Isn't that a supply-side issue?

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Stirewalt is a great guest, I hope you have him on again.

Also, where is Eli Lake? Bring him back on already.

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Got a hankerin' for a McRib. Great interview and interviewee, Thanks y'all so much.

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Holy Croakano! Thanks for having Stirewalt on and creating an ersatz Dispatch/TFC crossover event.

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