Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

My ex-girlfriend was working as a waitress in the late 80s in Beverly Hills. She was in her early 20s and a certifiable smokeshow. One day on a lunch shift in walk Al Davis, Marcus Allen, and OJ. Of course they are seated in her section. Being raised in a football crazy family she knew who they were instantly. At the end of the meal OJ just straight up asks for her number. She obliges. He calls her apartment and leaves a message on her answering machine (shut up I’m old I know). She never called him back.

When we would have those sort of not really serious arguments couples often have I would sometimes look at her and say “I fucking wish you had called OJ back”.

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Jeffrey Toobin was just "bringing his whole self to work".

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My grandpa was a police officer in Cleveland and started a locksmithing business when he retired - he was out on a job when the customer told him the OJ verdict was in and that OJ had been found not guilty. He had a heart attack and died on the spot. So my family has always sort of blamed OJ for killing him too. I try not to be happy when people die but I'm feeling a little... Not unhappy about this.

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

This has absolutely nothing to do with today's episode, but I finally listened to Matthew Yglesias speak after hearing Moyn's impersonation about a million times... Holy shit, dudes! I, I, I mean, I didn't expect it to be THAT accurate. Good Lord.

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Unrelated to the episode…what’s with the sudden trend of people posting long handwringing diatribes about why they no longer want to be paid subscribers for this reason or that? Did I miss some kind of inside joke while I was sidelined by pneumonia or are these all sincere posts?

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Joezempic would have been better. Happy Friday, friends! 🍻

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

Swang? Really @mattwelch? I’m still cracking up. 😂

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The first thing I heard in my head when I found out Juice fucking died was Moynihan saying “Hello, Twitter world” in his best OJ voice. 🤣

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Literally just poured a drink….Then I get this alert. 🥃

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100% with Matt that Cathy Young was disproportionately hard on Bari without bringing the goods to back it up. To me, it suggested a hint of professional jealousy towards a younger woman with a much larger platform. But, that could just be lady-vibes 🤷‍♀️

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

Solid Jonathan Richman reference from Welch.

Re: IDW, Alice Dreger really dodged a bullet by opting not to be in the Weiss article.

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Even when his career was threatened by some out of touch executive trying to protect OJ (a personal friend), Norm refused to ignore what could be seen plainly by anyone with 2 functioning brain cells, and made it all even funnier by doubling down.

He was a GOAT, and we’d be a lot better off today if more comedians (can we still call 90% of them that?) followed his example.

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OJ Simpson was never convicted of murder. However, this is very different than the way you and I have never been convicted of murder.

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McWhorter is from Mt. Airy (Philadelphia)

But that Tracy Morgan interaction sounds incredible.. Did John talk about this somewhere? I'd love to get the whole story.

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As someone who has a sales/office job that works on Saturdays with a lot of downtime. I love the timeliness of your podcast releases. They help keep me sane. Please keep it up, and I will stay as a subscriber forever. 🤞

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I want to really love this podcast. Sometimes Matt makes really profound observations. Sometimes Kmele wakes up from his fog and articulates a position that makes me question my principles. Sometimes Michael doesn't Michael.

Unfortunately, I often find myself not giving a shit about the ideological pissing contests you gentlemen seem to have with other equally obscure (to 99% of the populace) gentlemen and sometimes gentlewomen, who you sometimes love and sometimes hate.

You hate populism yet you also hate the status quo which is a strange purgatory you have placed yourselves in. I have found you to be contrarian on so many occasions that I spit out my beer during one of the recent week's episodes when Michael went on a tangent about contrarians.

Do I get a few laughs every episode? Sure. But I'm often left trying to understand your target demographic and who you're trying to appease. I believe you mentioned audience capture twice this episode. Who is that?

From what perspective are you speaking? The dinner party scene?

Matt had some fantastic analysis tonight on several occasions, but unfortunately after having subscribed a year after being a freeloader for three years I can't justify it again. With two youngens, one with a severe disability, I can't justify the expense or time.

Not sure why I took the time to say this now. I know I'll receive flack for it from you and your audience. I expect it because I rarely see discourse here. It's strange. It's disappointing.

Perhaps I'll see or hear you gents elsewhere speaking outside of your clubhouse. I urge you to get Kmele to reengage himself. He's largely the reason I became interested in the podcast in the first place.

All the best 🤘🥃

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