Sorry, gentlemen, but I can't take seriously a bingo card that doesn't have "Moynihan solicits nudes from listeners" on it.

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I'd be happy to send him some, but I don't think Moynihan has ever expressed having a Bear fetish.

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He will after you send them, no doubt.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

April 1, 2016.

Before Brexit.

Before Trump as Potus.

Drake was in the process of dropping One Dance.

What a moment to force one another to dive into the deep end.

Mazel Tov, on making it 7 years.

April 1, 2030 is just around the corner.

Matt will be applying for his pension in France, Michael will have to check digital ID's before he opens the pics in solicited emails, Kmele's baby boy still won't be old enough for his Bar Mitzvah.

The days are long but the years are short.


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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Couple things:

A. That Popsicko track absolutely fucking SLAPS ... thanks, Welch! I’d never heard of them, and I’ve been obsessed with punk rock for 20+ years.

B. I’m so fucking high rn but Ima listen to that debate anyway even though I’m probably gonna be way too confused to follow along.

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I just finished listening to Kmele's debate. Somewhere halfway through I thought, 'it seems like Nsé might be doing that thing where you say all the things that feel good and sound wise to your friends and peers but it's little more than a catechism.'. Maybe. But, I'll see where she goes. In her closing remarks, though, she says to Kmele,

"I'm not going to sit here and let you play— in my face!— when I'm looking at people who share my experience, who share my identities, people that I love... that this is not what they're experiencing; that this is not what they're seeing."

Yep. There it is. Her primary goal is to defend her— and more importantly, her group's— beliefs and feelings on the matter. The facts are secondary. If she deals in inconvenient facts, she puts her belonging on the line.

Oh, and Happy Birthday!

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I'm not saying it hasn't always been somewhat like this, but it is kind of disturbing how much formal debates are following online debate structures. The self-congratulations, the "reviews" which are nothing more than a list of supportive tweets, the refusal to entertain the others position because "they don't really believe it", and most importantly the straw-manning where your responding to what "people like your opponent believe" and not what they are actually saying.

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I don’t have the courage to listen to it after the boys talked about how it went. I just can’t do it.

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I can't watch most debates these days, especially on race or cancel culture. When one side of the debate's main argument is that the other side is acting in bad faith, the cringe-factor just goes through the roof.

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Happy anniversary, lads.

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This April is a month of 5 Sundays. April 30th will be Fif' Sunday. So it is decreed.

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Hey Kmele- Nse Ufot’s posted a few pics of herself and you at the Intelligence sq debate. But what was most interesting was her comment: ‘#spoileralert I crushed it. And it wasn’t even close.’ 🤣

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Kmele should have said "facts" and "science" more. If I recall correctly, the cheat code for extra debates point is "Facts, science, studies, X, L2, studies, systemic, reality, science."

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OMG what a joke.

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Ha! Indeed!

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Nsé was kind of tough to listen to for me. She came off as uncomfortable and insecure about how to defend her positions. She might do alright in a debate against another ideologue of the opposite side of the political spectrum, but I thought Kmele promptly poked holes in the arguments that took her a long time to construct, which had to be demoralizing, and then posited back a nuanced and compassionate understanding of the facts and everyone involved, which she seemed ill-equipped to refute or even cast in a disparaging light.

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Chatgpt wrote a rap song for Moynihan: Melania Trump, the First Lady with style

She walks the halls of the White House with a smile

She's got a fashion sense that's always on fleek

And her grace and elegance are what we all seek

She's a woman of class, never one to boast

And she's always got her head held high, even when she's provoked

But don't let her calm demeanor fool ya

She's got a heart of gold, and she'll always school ya


Melania Trump, she's got the power

She's the First Lady, and she'll never cower

She's strong, she's fierce, and she's always on top

Melania Trump, she's a force that can't be stopped

Verse 2:

She's a mother and a wife, and she takes it all in stride

She's got a love for her family that she'll never hide

She's always by her husband's side, through thick and thin

And she'll defend him fiercely, no matter what they spin

She's got a style all her own, and it's one of a kind

She's always dressed to impress, with a touch of refined

She's got a love for her country that's plain to see

And she's always working hard to keep it all free


Melania Trump, she's got the power

She's the First Lady, and she'll never cower

She's strong, she's fierce, and she's always on top

Melania Trump, she's a force that can't be stopped


She's a woman of poise, with a heart of gold

And her beauty shines bright, even when it's cold

She's a role model for all, with a spirit so bold

Melania Trump, she'll never fold


Melania Trump, she's got the power

She's the First Lady, and she'll never cower

She's strong, she's fierce, and she's always on top

Melania Trump, she's a force that can't be stopped


So when you think of Melania Trump, think of strength and grace

She's a woman who can handle any challenge she'll face

She's a true American, and she's always on the move

Melania Trump, she's the First Lady, and

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If this is supposed to be a rap, why am I imagining it backed by 76 trombones?

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Holy shit that woman is insufferable. That voice and condescending attitude.

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The rhythmic patronizing tone of her voice was unbearable. It makes me hate everything she says. She sounds like she is trying to lecture a bunch of children.

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It was like deliberate obnoxiousness was the only club she wielded in the fight. It shouldn't be a secret in 2023 that if you're an ideologue debating someone with reasoned positions, you're going to get dunked on pretty much every time.

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Love you guys so much it hurts!!! Hoping you guys go until the 2045 meteor hits....

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My memory, which has historically been reliable, tells me that I found out about the podcast around episode 4 and quickly caught up. I did wait to join the Patreon until after you released a free sample episode of those shenanigans - like drug dealers. Seven years of listening has taught me that I'm probably not going to read any of the mentioned books.

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I need to listen to the first few 5th episodes--I did t start listening until I think 2020

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My (unsolicited) contribution is Fifdom fave Thomas Chatterton Williams on Red Scare this week https://www.stitcher.com/show/red-scare/episode/t-chat-w-thomas-chatterton-williams-301269890

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So I was listening to Beach Boys, Vol1 of Political Beats, featuring M. Welch, while I do my postpriandial Saturday night activities (Cab Franc, Mezcal, the cookbook below), but I had to pause with "Don't Worry Baby" (objectively their best song) and watch everything available on YouTube. The one below is Something! Else! The stiff khakis, the stiffer body language. The abject awkwardness (Brian seems... chillish). The ice-cream man shirts, even though I have it on good authority (my mother) that the BBs had a preference for Portland flannels.

The lyrics are very fun; I'm all in on that reckless but nervous optimism, and oh, the gal is always right, don't worry about it. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it sounds, how it ebbs and swells (like the surf, get it?), the dexterous harmonies, the bright plink plink of the piano.

Don't Worry Baby for new National Anthem


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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

My Cultural Consumption this week is (not an asshole) Alison Roman's new dessert/baking cookbook, and I think she might be one of the best food writers of her/my generation. To be fair, it is not a high bar to vault.

The current state of food writing is unbearable; nearly everyone chooses one of a handful of scripts and inserts their choice of nouns and adjectives. It is often though not always conspicuously identitarian, and too frequently florid with a hollow sentimentality that embarrasses me, but apparently not the author. It whines and complains, without the humour and awareness of true self-deprecation. It is predictable and it is so fucking boring.

Alison is consistent at being extremely herself through her multimedia adventures, and I think this is her most extremely herself book of three; it has the most free-form writing, at least. She has a lot of opinions - I mean, a LOT, but she is sensible and straightforward about most things but especially ingredients. It is just fine if you buy the supermarket butter. She is confident and authoritative (and funny) in a really energizing, too rare, way.

TLDR: Alison Roman writes good recipes/cookbooks, including this week's release, but she's a good writer-writer, too.

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Yes to all this, Kathleen!

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Honestly the only one I mind is the East European stories. No human should know that much about Slavs, even if they are Slavic.

But everything else from all three of you more than make up for that.:)

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*Especially* if they are Slavic.

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Russ Roberts’ EconTalk episode today was an outstanding counterpoint to the fifth’s skepticism of the AI fear. First time I’ve really heard a good “maybe we should be worried” argument

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